From February 22 to 24, Maskking was present at the “TOTAL Product Expo” in Las Vegas, Nevada. The TPE is a major show dedicated to the tobacco and vaping industries, where not only industry professionals meet, but also regular consumers. People can visit the show and buy products in-sight, while brands from all over the world have their booths present to promote their latest and best products, and to network with each other.

Maskking was present with its own booth (n. 4255), and professional staff on the floor. During these 3 days Maskking was able to meet and interact with thousands of consumers and professionals. This kind of immersion allowed us to gather the most valuable insight and references from the American market, as well as from other regions of the world where visitors originated from.

All new Maskking releases were in display and available for purchase and trial at the booth, on the show’s floor. The “Box” series of models in particular were met with great enthusiasm by all those who got a chance to try them. Jam Box, Evo Box, High Box and other models were a big hit with their high-capacity juice tanks that allow for thousands of puffs. Besides, other classic Maskking disposable vapes were present as well.

Being a show visited by many independent retailers, Maskking had the chance to make business directly with those who more intimately know the American market. Contacts were exchanged, hands were shaken, and orders were made, ensuring that Maskking vapes will continue to grow their presence in the United States. Producing high quality premium vapes at competitive prices is paramount to the brand’s success and to reach some of the most demanding consumers on the planet in their goal to adopt a healthier lifestyle and transition from traditional smoking to better alternatives.

The “TOTAL Product Expo” was also the first trading venue for Maskking to promote it’s newest eco-friendly solutions and innovations in its vapes. Conscious that disposable vapes can represent a damaging waste if not properly disposed of, Maskking has produced the ECO-AMMO - a high-capacity vaping device with with replaceable battery slots. With the ECO-AMMO, users can recharge and use the same battery over and over again, only replacing the top part.
For other vapes, Maskking is also incorporating eco-friendly and sustainable materials and components and will continue to do so.